Hey hey, it's Thursday night! XD lolxx.. okey. we were actually been told to look through some videos about this thing called 'flowchat' .
So basically what is a flowchart? When i first look at it,
*maybe because of the shapes and style* i thought it is somehow like a mind map. But after i look through some other videos only i get to know that this "Flowchart" has much difference compared to normal mindmap because it actually comes out with a certain format, with each shape of the chart to represent different message/idea.
Such as: the diamond shape represents a
decision, while rectangular shape represents
process etc.
In that way, it could make things look easier to understand.
So here comes the
Q & A section:
1. Who do you want to use flowchart in your mobile interface design & screen interface design?
I think flowchart is convenient and easy to use for our project planning part. This is because through making a flowchart, we can know clearly how should we have all the design processes, about how we want that design to be/how it will turn out (decision) and then all the consequences that may happen during the design processes. It can let us see clearly about our own target/decision, hence we create our designs follow the 'process' part and then if it will turns out to be a 'yes' or 'no'. If it's a no, then we can do refinement and improvement for our design through the 'process' part again. At the end, we will not/hard to run out of track while doing our project because we can see the whole design process clearly already. 2. How will it help your users to meet the interactive goals?
I think a Flowchart helps the users to meet the interactive goals by just perhaps looking at the flowchart: get to know how we get the project started, how we do the whole planning part, our design processes, and the end results. It helps the user to understand how we actually taken out this project, what we have done, and so, they would get to know our attitude towards this project, and hence will appreciate our work more *maybe*. The 'interaction' actually happened in the sense that people/targeted audience could know what have we done. It is more interesting than just looking at a very nice/wonderful artwork without any process explanations/working process. And so, a Flowchart could perhaps help to add value to our artwork, in a certain way. =)Okey. Please leave a comment and i'll go leave comment too. lolxx. XD